Tuesday, July 24, 2007


We got go on a vacation this summer to Montana, Yellowstone, and Grand Tetons. It was a very nice vacation. The weather was perfect. The kids traveled very well considering the long drive. WE stayed at the Tetons first for about three nights, four days. This was one of my favorites. We did a hike with ferry boat-nice--Cascade falls, David got to use his water filter/purifier, which came in handy. Everyone was so impressed with the boys because they got ride on our backs and they thought it was great that we did this with our children!! It was great encouragement because camping in a tent and bringing all the gear that goes with it is a lot a work, but good memories and times when I look back. Yellowstone was the next stop, we left Tetons very earlier on Saturday morning because we could not reserve a spot. We stayed one night but max out time both days to the fullest!! Fire Canyon drive was one stop but not as cool as I remember it. But we found a new spot Thanks to Grandma Rox (visit her blog Ma Rox--better dictation of what happened) the boiling point--great water for Riley, it was warm due the springs and then cold spots from the mountains. So it was perfect.
then w headed late Sunday for Bills and Grandma Rox's we were ready for house with running water, etc. And they welcome us like champs, unfortunately we were visiting during Bill's the busiest part of summer sessions plus all the extras he was doing too. WE appreciate all the sacrifice. ;-)
We headed for home late Friday and made it home Saturday night. Breanna really wanted to go Mahoney State park for a Girl Scout event. Very nice way to end the 10 day nice long summer trip.

1 comment:

momrox said...

hOly smokes.... YOU guys are the troopers! Having you here is sweet, sweet icing on our cake. Your presences still linger in the air in precious memories everywhere we turn.