Friday, February 2, 2007


Riley had his 4 month well baby check on Wednesday. He won't be 4 months for about 2-3 weeks. We have been noticing that he wasn't as content on Tuesday off and on so we decided to have his ears checked for infection--no infection--Yeah!! But he may have a milk intolerance so we will do a fecal test. The doctor also referred us to a Helmet Clinic for plagiocephaly (flat head). Not sure what to think of it, very mixed emotions. From what I have researched thus far mostly cometic reasons depending on severity of course. So I need to check with insurance etc. to decide what we will do. So of course I am very paranoid to let him lay on his back much and when sleeping trying to keep his head turned.
Riley is 25 1/2 inches, 15 pounds 11 ounces. Since he was early for his well check I am remembering an extra two weeks can add a lot. He is in 75% for those measurements.
Riley loves to munch on his hands and put them in his mouth. He is very good at taking his pacifer out of his mouth and replacing with his hands we may have a thumb/finger sucker on our hands. I do remember the other two doing the same thing.

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