Monday, November 19, 2007

Photo session

We did it!! We are somewhat organized and got the kiddos picture for Christmas taken by this awesome photographer---He has great rates and works on Sundays!!;-) We just need to have them printed. so here is the photo is very difficult to get everyone looking at the camera and then smiling and not crying!!!
This really bought back memories when I had my picture taken for Christmas by my folks. I look back and laugh at it all, but at the time was very impatient and mean older sister. And remember this was the time of no digital cameras. Oh, what a blessed time!!

check out photos here:

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Breanna and Ashton

Breanna has been busy painting and redecorating her room. It is quite the place and very cozy place to hang out!! I think she is very proud of her work! we are still doing finishing touches, but for the most part we are completed

Breanna is enjoying second grade. She is a great student. She is involved in soccer, girl scouts, Anomlie, ( and keeping up on her school work as well. She has a fifties performance coming up which she is very excited about. She has been practicing her songs and has a part to memorize too.
The boys really miss Breanna when she is at school. Ashton and Breanna really play for the most part very well together, they are really good at using their imaginations. As you look at the hiking picture, this is one of their favorite snacks--chocolate chip rice cake!! Oh they are growing up to fast--so cute!! Buds Forever!!

That's my Ashton (notice super man backpack--
which is bigger than him)

Ashton is doing preschool Wednesday and Fridays. And is having a lot of fun!! He still enjoys going to the Y. But lately he has been under the weather. We miss his spunk. But he doesn't want to miss a beat. As you can see he loves his rain boots!! We get many comments on them--this was a purchase we made a STP- in Wyoming.

Riley's pasttimes

I am sorry I have not written for awhile. Riley has many things he likes to do. He loves to read books, brush his teeth, play in cupboards, and he is taking some steps. He would like to just take off running. This little man is very happy and content doing his own things. He really likes to be a big boy, climbing up on the step stool. He is watching his older siblings for sure!!

He has figure out how to rock himself in the rocking chair, It is really cute when he is reading a book!
He can make a few words--What a cutie!!
And doing what he does best smiling and making the rest of the family smile too!!

Riley is 1!!!

Well, my baby is 1!!! I have mixed emotions about him turning one! But is was a great day. It was very busy--but he had a blast. Including yesterday we went to Nebraska City for our annual apple fix. We got pumpkins from their pumpkin patch, did the corn maze, picked up our Blue spruce true that we hopefully will plant soon. The kids enjoyed the Tree adventure, which I am glad we did, they added some more exhibits and we considered getting an annual family membership, but maybe next year.

Well, as you can see Riley had no problems as to what he was suppose to do with the cake!! He was a natural! I am so glad he enjoyed it. He would make a Humm/Yumm noise along with some of the bites he took, It was so cute.

As you can see we have quite the artist --He did a fine job. I think we are going to crop his highchair tray and put the artwork on canvas--Nice job Riley!! You sweet little thing!

check out the video here

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Riley's 9 month Well baby Check

well Riley seems to be growing wonderfully!!
Here's Riley's stats:
Height 30 inches (90%)
Weight 21 pounds 14 oz (75%)
Head 17inches
My mom had my 8 month measurements---weight 21 # 10oz
height 28 1/2"
So as you can see Riley has possibly inherited the Barnhard length traits--
Riley has been really chewing on apples, finger foods, I can't help but think some primary teeth are trying to erupt- we will see, Oh, i need to take more toothless grin pictures!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

AShton Big Boy

Ashton is now a big boy!! For about a month he has been wearing underwear!! Yeah!! It has been awesome, we have not tried to master the night times, but I think he could do that as well!! But it is so nice to only have one child in diapers. He is fully aware that he gets to go to preschool in the fall and Riley does not!!

Riley is going though a cute stage of making noises with his lips and making them smack it is so cute. Another cute thing is he knows how to shake his head for "no". Which is really nice for communicating what he wants or if he is done with his food,etc.

Breanna is doing VBS this week. Breanna and Ashton seems to be playing very well together, lately.


We got go on a vacation this summer to Montana, Yellowstone, and Grand Tetons. It was a very nice vacation. The weather was perfect. The kids traveled very well considering the long drive. WE stayed at the Tetons first for about three nights, four days. This was one of my favorites. We did a hike with ferry boat-nice--Cascade falls, David got to use his water filter/purifier, which came in handy. Everyone was so impressed with the boys because they got ride on our backs and they thought it was great that we did this with our children!! It was great encouragement because camping in a tent and bringing all the gear that goes with it is a lot a work, but good memories and times when I look back. Yellowstone was the next stop, we left Tetons very earlier on Saturday morning because we could not reserve a spot. We stayed one night but max out time both days to the fullest!! Fire Canyon drive was one stop but not as cool as I remember it. But we found a new spot Thanks to Grandma Rox (visit her blog Ma Rox--better dictation of what happened) the boiling point--great water for Riley, it was warm due the springs and then cold spots from the mountains. So it was perfect.
then w headed late Sunday for Bills and Grandma Rox's we were ready for house with running water, etc. And they welcome us like champs, unfortunately we were visiting during Bill's the busiest part of summer sessions plus all the extras he was doing too. WE appreciate all the sacrifice. ;-)
We headed for home late Friday and made it home Saturday night. Breanna really wanted to go Mahoney State park for a Girl Scout event. Very nice way to end the 10 day nice long summer trip.

Riley's first fourth of July

Riley loved the fireworks, I think he thought they were a bit loud, though. Ashton was not real fond of them. He was in tears at the Salt Dogs game we went to that had them for display which my parents and Josh got to attend. It was nice to have a group of us there.
Josh got to visit us for about a week before he left for Texas. He is a traveling man, but very good to have him around. It has been awhile. The kids really enjoy having him around as well as David and I enjoy the deep discussions and past experiences!! But it was too short. Josh is enlisting for Navy in January. This is hard one to take, but if he is happy great!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Spending the night

Breanna has the opportunity to sleep at the Aquarium at the Henry Dorley Zoo. Sounds like a lot of fun with no sleep. This will be with her girl scout troop. But she is reading a mystery book right now about being trapped in a Reptile house. She is a thinker, so of course she asked if that would happen. I hope she learns to relax a bite!! I probably made her act like that.
Another fun thing we did today was go to the corn popper. They had dancers from the YWCA for entertainment. It was a nice family event!!

Tye Dying

At the Children's Museum, the kids and I tyed dye three different items. One of David's big t-shirt, a burp clothe, an onsie. It was fun. I would love to do it again. We were crunched for time though. Breanna was rushed. I would love to do some on the vacation trip out west. I will see what we can do.

Ear Infections

Riley has his 3rd ear infection. which means third antibiotic. I hope this makes it disappear. They will evaluate in three weeks if we need to consider tubes. AHHH. Poor guy. He is not as happy. He has a runny nose, feverish, restless and puts up with us taking him where we need to go. He is amazing boy! He had his first swimming encounter at Mahoney SP. He totally loved it! He wanted to have me let him go. He did mostly everything. He does love his baths as well. So we picked up ear wax protectors so it will keep the water out.

cranio-sacral therapy

Ashton has met a new type of healer. Dr. Firnhaber has done about 4 txs on Ashton. He seems to be acting somewhat better in a lot of ways. He has even progress with the toilet training, which is a true blessing. He seems to listen better when I ask a request of him and waking up a lot happier most days. He is not perfect, but better. I have been real pleased, and of course a first apprehensive and concerned but we felt like we had nothing to loose. We were also told to stop Milk. This is Ashton's blanket. But it has helped with the chronic running nose. The entire family has been really trying hard to eat more fruits and veggies and less sugar. We are doing it to support Dad as well as create good habits for their lifestyles in the future. It is a struggle, but has been way worth it. Also we have been making our own bread. It is great. In the long run I thing we will be spending about the same in groceries. But most of all I think David's hive spells are gone if we stick to his diet.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Breanna's last days of 1st grade

Breanna is very excited, but sad about the end of 1st grade. Tomorrow they are having a "fun day" They are going to eat lunch with the teacher, play games, etc Sounds like a lot fun. She is really advancing with her reading, She is reading a chapter book, by herself the Little's

Also this weekend, Breanna and Ashton got two pets. Lump-- the betta fish and Cliff the leopard gecko. So it has been interesting. I guess I really like the Dog as a pet. It has been fun having pets around the house, little more work, but good learning experience for the kiddos.

Another thing we did was go on a bike ride with Grandma and PaPa. The entire family went. the boys did great in the trailer --even took a few naps. Breanna did awesome on her bike esp. riding about 11 miles!! It was really nice to be outdoors and getting some sun!

Mr and Mrs McLaughlin

Rox and Bill are visiting Ireland as of now. Bill asked Rox to marry him. So...they are engaged!! They will be returning in about a week. So can't wait to hear more about the details!! Bill is turning 60 on Friday!

Riley's many activities

Riley is doing so many things! He is of course crawling everywhere. It is an army crawl. Very cute and fast! He used always crawl to the kid's bathroom and wedge himself between the toilet and the tub. He loves Bathtime. He's a big splasher and loves trying to drink his bath water.
He is loving rice cereal with about any vegetables, we have not really tried fruits. We are being patient, plus kids always love fruits they're sweet!! He has this masher thing he loves to have bananas in---it is so cute!!! He gets so exited when you peel a banana--so you have to share. He does not have teeth as of yet.
Riley also loves to pull himself up on objects! He loves to stand and gets so mad if he is trying to pull himself up and can't stand. He is a strong boy!
He is not really sleeping though the night. He likes to wake up and nurse and then return to sleep at least twice a night, it wears on ya, but I am totally used to it!! I don't think I will ever get 6 hours of straight sleep again, now I understand elderly- sleeping three hours and no more---I can't remember the last time I slept in past 8. I didn't mean to complain, more so just thinking out aloud.
Riley tried his swing on the swing set tonight with David and love it!
HE is really good at giving raspberries. it is so cute and he really is starting to babble. He likes to say mummm, maaam

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Well..we brave it- We took the family camping at Haley's National forest for a two night camping trip, stayed at Napik campground. Riley did great. I think he slept better in his sleeping bag!! The stars were so beautiful on Friday night--I love campfires!! We got to bring the new tent which we will have already returned to Target because it did not keep rain out, which David has already found us another tent to try. We were so glad we went, but it was interesting some times. We were invited by another family that attends Berean and has threee children as well 4-8yrs old. The kids got to catch sand lizards and many caterpillars. They also played in the river water. Breanna and I canoed down the loop river a little. David bought his euro bike and tested out back country dirt/sand biking. We got in a rain storm on Saturday night during dinner. But had some great quality family time. We went to two graduations on Sunday which was fun. One in Albion the other in Hickman, so we made our rounds. It is a lot of work to go camping, but worth it I think!

We are getting ready for a garage sale this weekend. I hope it is a good turnout.

David and I have been married 8 years today!! Truly an amazing guy I am married too!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Riley's crawling has moved to another level. He is starting to get himself up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. He seems to crawl backwards very well doing this so it is only a matter of time that he will be even faster at getting around!! Watch out brother and sister!!

happy legs

Riley enjoys to be covered or cover his own face with a towel, blanket whatever and then you will see him not move for a brief second and then all then you will see those legs kick like crazy!! It is hilarious to watch and he is so happy when doing this.

I can't believe he is 7 months already!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Riley's eating...

Riley is eating rice cereal now and he loves it!! I thought we would maybe go straight to solids! I need to pick up some finger foods, I think he would enjoy them.

Breanna had her last soccer game- Sting and we had to end early because of lightning. Breanna did score a goal, very nicely done!!!

Ashton as he would say he made us happy, he pooped on the toilet!! I was excited!! I hope this time he really does stay dry--only time will tell. He really wants to go to Preschool. Because after he did it, he said can i go to school?

I had a very nice mother's day weekend!! I got many things--I feel very blessed and thankful for my family!! Each day is a true blessing, I can't even fathom what heaven will be like somedays. Thanks to all who made my day so special!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

RAIN and MORe Rain

In Lincoln, we have received about 8 inches of rain since Thursday or Friday- I think. It has been an interesting weekend. My sister and husband participated in the Maranthon today. They did awesome- finished in under 2 hours!!
Breanna also got new shoes/sandals yesterday. They are pink. Breanna was suppose to do a mile race on Saturday, but it got cancelled because of the rain. The mayors run was cancelled, which I can't remember the last time it was...bummer. She was so excited.

We are getting ready for a garage sale coming up. So trying to go through everything and decide if we want this or that. HOpe to get rid of a lot of clutter that is not necessary!! I am getting rid of all the girls clothes of Breanna's (she did grab a few for her Bear named Mix that she made a build a bear workshop), Boys clothes that Riley can't fit as well as Maternity clothes and much more!

Riley's first

Well, in case I forgot to document, but Riley is mobile. He has an army crawl and can sit up pretty well, with some assistance. He has his first ear infection--:-( Poor man. He had quite a temperature- David and I thought it was teething. So, he is getting back to his happy self. I hope this will be his first and last ear infection. He is still breastfeeding, of which I am very proud of. I hope to do it as long as I can. Riley got a new purchase as well- a compact high chair, which basically means that it fits on a standard chair and utilizes space better in our kitchen. He really seemed like he wanted to be a part of the whole eating/social experience at the table. Just sitting in the kitchen did not count--so far he likes it-(he has only tried it once). Another thing is Riley continues to not like Rice cereal, he gags when it is spoon fed to him. So maybe we will be going straight to finger foods?? Is that bad...I have some research to do. SO as of now--he is breastfed only. :-)

May Day Baskets!

We got to have a lot of fun with the neighborhood!! We got to experience making baskets both receiving and taking! Ashton and Breanna had lots of fun! It was so fun to see how they got so excited about ringing the door bell and running! It was cute to observe.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Roller Skating Party

We got to have Breanna's party at the Skating center. I hope all the girls had fun! She had 7 girls including her. She is very tough-- she fell many times, but still kept going. We got to have pizza and pop, along with Birthday cake. She got a lot of nice gifts. I hope it was special for her!

David found some

Well, David found some Morels. They were very tasty....Sauteed in butter. I am curious if he will post a picture or anthing. Lots of work, but taste so wonderful. Thank you mother earth and David. Happy hunting!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Swimming lessons-Ashton

Ashton had his last swimming lesson. He had a chance to go down the slide, but was not interested in it so he sat and watched. His class was pike, he was the youngest guy in the class. I was very proud of him and he made a lot of improvement. We will probably wait on swimming classes-- for the summer.


Riley is got the army crawl down well. Yes last night he started crawling, he wants to be right there. He is quite the go getter and very strong boy. He is starting realize that he cannot be left out before he would just enjoy his toys and now he wants to be there with you--very cute. He is really quite a quick crawler. We are in trouble. It's gone too quickly!! He loves to babble and be tickled. He might be teething or working on teeth-probably won't get them until he's 1 like the rest, but he really was irritated and many bowel movements. It could have been what I ate....

Breanna's 7!!

Well, our baby girl is 7 and no longer a little one. :-( She had a busy birthday. Presents- bike, digital pet monkey we are still naming, a very nice and warm sleeping bag for cold tent nights in mountains-montana/colorado. She received clothes and flips flops, money! She was very pleased!! She bought treats for her class- cupcakes! Her classmates made a book for her, where they each wrote something special about her-very cute and sweet. She is a very compassionate and caring lady!!
She passed swimming lessons today (no longer a guppy)- so she is now a Minnow.
Breanna picked going to Valentino's for supper, she received a high 5 award! She got her picture taken, spinned the birthday wheel, and balloon-sung to,etc. The works!!
We watched the footage of this morning's opening gifts ceremony with david and video camara was acting up--maybe time for a new one??? But it really made Ashton and Breanna laugh- sounded like Breanna was talking chinese.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bum Toe

Ashton had an injury on Sunday night with his toe-big toe on his left foot. The bathroom drawer fell on his big toe, leaving the nail bed back and blue. I think he might I have broken it. but there is not much you can do for those injuries. Tonight he mentioned that his toe/foot really hurt. It looks like it is a little infected, we are going to see the doctor tomorrow. Poor guy. But he is so tough. He hasn't really complained until now. He still really wanted to go to the Y and go swimming, etc.
Kids are amazing--they are better than the energizer bunny!!

Riley Crawling soon!!?!??

Riley is definitely getting closer to crawling. He can do a plank (a pilates/yoga move/hold). He also goes backwards very well and does 360 well. I need to do more footage with camcorder. He has grown up too fast. He is really into babbling these days as well. It is soo cute!! I think his sight has improved with farther distances.
Lately he has had lots of blow outs and think it is time to move up to Size 4 diapers!

David is getting ready for morel mushroom hunting. He really wants to find some. I hope he finds lots. Last year he spent some time on this hobby, but did not find as many as he would like. So I hope this year is a Gold pot year for him.

Report Card

Breanna brought home her report card from school today- she is an awesome student!!
She got all 3's and 4's. Very proud of her. She is a very motivate student and hard working!! She has only missed one day of school (due to snow skiing event) and one tardy--NOT bad, esp since David has to load up all the kids the majority of the time to get her to school by 8:15. Good JOB guys!!
David and I are working what we will get Breanna for her birthday on Wednesday. Hard to say. She wants roller blades, or the shoes that you can skate/roll on, she would like a digital pet, guitar,TV in her room... So we will see what we can find.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Riley is 6 months!

Well, it has flown by. That is the time. Riley turned 6 months-half a year old today!!

He had a well baby check and he is 20 pounds(about 19 # and 9 oz) 85% and 27 1/2 inches long 75% with head circum. 16 1/2
Breanna was 17# 4 oz, 26 3/4
Ashton was 17# 4 oz and 27 1/4

Keep in mind that Riley is only fed Breast milk, not one bottle of formula!! I am very proud of Riley and myself. and most of all Thanks to the awesome Dad that supports this very challenging way to fed our child!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Micro Soccer

Breanna started her 2nd season of micro soccer with her dad coaching. It was fun to watch her. I felt bad though--her soccer shoes gave her blisters on the insides, higher on her ankles. poor thing!! Glad to see her play though!


On Sunday we did many things and one of them was hiking out at Pioneers Park at the Nature Center very nice time to get out. The trees are very bare out there. We saw a fat squirrel, a bunny rabbit, walked over a bridge (which Ashton did not like). I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful fun family!! I love this!!

A very exciting thing at church is we got to go into the new auditorium/sanctuary. It blew my socks off. We were going to have to wait until Easter Sunday, but they wanted us to experience first before our guests. It made me wonder what Heaven will be like, this seemed to be just a glimpse of it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Big fat Lip :-(

On Saturday, I took Riley and Ashton to the Children's museum while Breanna and David went to the "Rock" show. WE had a great time and Ashton played at a lot of different places in the museum. Well, it was about 4 :30 and we were heading down to the middle level and Ashton feel down three stairs and really did a number on his upper lip. When I went to help him up with Riley in my arms, there was instant blood. Of course, instantly I thought oh no, teeth--did any of them get hurt....we are going to get stitches. I felt so awful. I picked him up and went to the front desk where I could at least take a better look at eye level and ask for an ice pack. It appeared that all teeth were fine and just a real number his upper lip (basically snipped the max. frenum--which a lot of times we excise for some ortho cases, so Ashton did his own frenectomy) I did call, Dr. Chris from work to check and see if there was anything we should do. Ashton was very tough. I just pray there will be no damage to his permanent teeth.
On Monday, Dr. Chris looked at lip and teeth and everything appeared to be okay. ;-) Ashton did a great job in the dental chair--he listened and cooperated very well.


Breanna is growing up too quickly! Today school was released early- 2 hours early. For Professional classroom learning days...plan day for teachers to get all together.
Breanna wrote a story today with pictures and words very nicely done--called Oh bane("bunny")
She realized the spelling error when she started reading it to me. She is awesome. She had written by and illustrated by the whole works!!!
Lately it has been warmer with the weather so she has wanted to wear skirts and tank tops, not quite that warm, but told her that will be here soon.
Today Breanna told me that General (the turtle) will be taken to the Nature center, General has been looking for a home for some time. Ashton will go to preschool in the fall at the Nature center. I am so glad General has a home now!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I had a patient today tell me about a homeopathetic dr/?? in omaha. It was really cool--i think a God thing. I have really been concerned about David and never really understanding his hive/itching episodes and taking a med all the time, so I hope we will be able to try this out!!


Ashton is on an antibiotic right now since Saturday. He had been battling a fever(low grade) for a about 6-7 days with a rash on his neck. So we decided to take him to Linc Care. They thought he really had strep, but test was neg, but Dr. thought if they did a culture he would have a strep. He seems to be back to his self, and has some color. He likes to have his medicine in juice and calls it "medicine juice". For the most part has a good attitude about taking his medicine, which David usually administers. Also Ashton had a couple different rashes, one on the back of his neck and on his chin/lower lip area. Dr. thought it was a staph infection.

Crane watching in Kearney

Over Breanna's break we got to get away, we decided to take a night to Kearney. So we stayed at the Holiday Inn which had a water slide indoor with pool. It was fun and great price for the money. Kearney was the perfect distance away from home, not too far and not too close.

Also over Breanna's break we had visiting Grandma Rox and Bill, which was a great help!! Grandma rox got to spend a lot of quality time with the kids!! Which they were a big help to David and I. David and I even got to go out for a few hours and visit with each other.

Cinnamon was also with us. He did great, eat is food and we tried to give him the love he would get at school. I wonder if he is happy to have returned to his original home--school!??!

swimming lessons

Breanna and Ashton have started swimming lessons on Wednesdays for the next 6 weeks.
Breanna is in Guppy. She is swimming the length of the pool and learning about front crawl and back stroke. We may need to get her googles before her birthday!! She is doing a great job, in her class there is just another boy and it is basically private lessons.

Ashton was really excited about having swimming lessons today. As soon as we arrived, he wanted to jump right in the water, but we had to wait for the previous lessons to finish (we arrived a little too early--hard for Ashton to understand)But Ashton at first was not real big on listening, he really wanted to do his own thing, but afte about 10-15 minutes he started to participate, but definately going to give the instructors a run for their money. They tried on the these yellow belts which go around the waste, so they can practice floating and kicking and layin on their backs etc.

I was very glad David was there!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Rice Cereal

Riley tried rice cereal and sweet potatoes the past two nights. It is funny because his tongue thrusts the food out of his mouth. The first night went better, than the second night!! It sure is a messy process.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Ashton and Riley's closet

Well, we made more room. Riley is growing it was time to clean out little clothing he no longer fits into. David added another hanging rod to help with more space for the two boys clothes, it is awesome!! I feel so much more organized.
Ashton didn't seem to mind it or really notice it. We will see if that changes because now his clothes are at arms reach for him.

Card Club

Tonight I got to participate in a card making club tonight at one of the neighbor's houses. She has all the supplies, that she lets us use and she supplies all the materials to make 16 cards !! It was awesome and I had a lot of fun doing it.
I love giving cards, but they are so expensive so I can't wait to use these.
It was a little time consuming, and as a mom I felt guilty leaving. But luckily my husband is understanding..


Tonight at the kitchen a la Jané it was italian night, Spaghetti for the main course. It was a hit. Breanna loved it and Ashton hate all his food ( browned hamburger with spaghetti noodles) It was all gone. Breanna commented to David that the food was good. Bonus points for her. I am so thankful for David and the kids. I feel so truly blessed. Thanks for the good grub, David!

Breanna's Art

Breanna has always had a love for art. She is truly amazing! at school she has a patriotic theme star she decorated with paint--It is very thought out art display. Today she came home with a mask of a Tiger. It was incredible. The mask was quite a task to make from the sounds of it. I love her work. She is always making something for someone to brighten up their day!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Breaking News!

On Wednesday, Breanna found out she will get have Cinnamon over spring break. Spring break is about 10 days. She was so excited. she is very concerned about giving Cinnamon enough exercise while she is with us.

Turning 3...Ashton Big Boy

Tonight, Ashton is sleeping with a mat we use for camping. It is his Yoga mat. Today Breanna, him and Dad did Yoga. From what I hear he likes the Downward Dog. I think he might call it a "Tunnel". He also calls his yoga mat--refridgerator.
He will be 3 on Monday. I am trying to decide, whether to magical make the diapers disappear. I don't know, I think he is ready, but are mom and dad ready???

touching toes!

Sounds like a name of a book (the title of the blog entry)--sorry, off task.
Riley really likes to touch his toes with his hands when he is having his diaper changed. He really likes to talk making his tongue make funny noises. It is so very cute. He can really tell he is trying to tell you something.
Loving it!!


Blizzard!!! Well, we got some snow!! about 7-8 inches maybe more, lots of drifting.
Today is Thursday. School was cancelled for Breanna. Which she was very excited about. Another exciting thing was power outage. Breanna was telling how she was discovering this. She tried about everything, starting with the basement first, then retracking her way back upstairs. It was out for about most of the morning. David started a fire and was about to make that kids put their coats on.

Today the kids played in snow, they made what I call tunnels, they called them Igloos. Some were connected. I have so many awesome memories of playing the snow. And I like to think since I grew up in the country we had the best snow!! But I was so glad the kids got to experience this kind of snow.

As for me, I did/was crazy enough to go to work. Visibility was poor. I wrestled with was this the right move, what am I doing. What if patients don't show up. I took all the things I would need for the day along with a blank-in case. David told me to take the cell phone. I made it. And my 7 am patient did show up for the day. And I was very busy, filling my schedule plus another schedule.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Riley's 4-months pics

Today Riley got his 4 month pictures taken with images for a lifetime at a photo party. It was fun and easy. One of the neighbors had the party, so it was close by. I am considering having a party myself. I just like the thought of it in your own home. Makes it very easy!! So we will be getting the proofs in 2 weeks.

Toy box

What is it about playing in the toy box? Breanna and Ashton today were playing for hours in the toy box--They kept burying each other in the toys and taking turns. But I remember doing the same thing with my sisters.


Well, part of having a birthday is receiving cards. But I enjoyed some very thoughtful gifts. I have afew favorites: gum from my hygiene bud Andi, Cards made homemade from my sister--which I can't wait to use. another one was two bike wheels--I want to ride/race this summer along with clips for my shoes, so I can fall over in one piece. he he!!! I also got a gift cert. to my salon + spa---can't wait to use that one, what to use it on?? but overall I had a good birthday!! Thanks to all who thought of me on my 30th!
I did get to go out to eat with my wonderful family Tuesday! They are so much fun to eat with!! love you guys

Girl Scout Cookies!

Well, we participated in the girl scout cookie selling extraganza. We got to pick them up on Friday. Whoo Hoo 107 cookies!! Breanna and I delivered them on Saturday afternoon while the boys took their naps!!Breanna and I got to enjoy the rainy weather and periodically get hit on the head by ice pellets(hail). It was a fun afternoon with Breanna. Thanks to all who help reach her goal. The troop is trying to decide what they will do with their money they raised!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Turning 30

Tomorrow I turn 30, on president's day. I 'm really not bummed about being done with the 20s. I'm actually excited. I feel like I have accomplished a lot already!! But I am very excited as to what will be ahead. I look at age more as just a number and/or more experienced in some things. I could list all the things I have completed and not completed/would like to complete before my time ends. But I decided not to post and keep that more personal. I didn't really want to brag either, but I guess that is what a blog maybe is. I use it more to journal what is going on with our lives, something to hopefully look back on.
Here's to turning 30!!
Cheers- Julie

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Time with Breanna

Tonight I got to go with Breanna only to a womens Nebraska basketball game. It was good to be around her. She is very energetic. She great person to be around. We got to have a snack there- she got Dip in Dots and I got a pretzel and we shared a root beer!! Thanks David for allowing me to go by watching the boys!! I owe you!
Love you all very much!!


We have been trying to master the whole no more wearing diapers. I think we are getting closer. WE have talked about him turning three soon and that he is not a baby, but a Big Boy! He has went on the "poop" on the toilet the past two days!! With rewards! It seems to be working. Dad gave him Harold and he got diesel and going to the children's museum. We'll see if we can keep up with the great progress, we may have conquered a little ground. At least, he knows he can do it!!


Breanna has read 275 books so far for 1st grade. We volunteered to have Cinnamon (the classroom guinea pig) for the spring break. Mrs. Kramer has not drawn the name yet for the lucky caretaker. Breanna had a Valentine's Dance ("My guy dance) with her girl scout troop. She took her dad. She wore a beautiful black dress and dad dressed up in slacks and tie. They also took travel samples to help troops overseas (another part of the night's agenda).
Breanna danced alot and said she had a great time. Breanna the next morning had a hard time waking up for school. She said she was tired. I think that was the first time, she didn't want to get up.

Riley's 4-month check

Riley turned 4 months on Valentine's day. He had his well baby check on the 7th of February( about two weeks early). He weighed 15# 11oz. Length 25 and half inches and head circum. 15 inches. The doctor thought that his head looked flat-plagiocephley. I think what started it was his head circumference did not change. So she referred us to a helmet clinic in Omaha. We set up an appt. for April. It's hard to say what to think or do so we will see what is said and evaluate then.
She also wanted to make sure he is not lactose intolerant so we tested Riley's bowel movements. Test results were fine.
The boy seems very healthy. He is just fighting a cough/runny nose right now. We are all just trying not to get sick. So far so good.

Trip without Children

David and i were blessed to be able to take a trip by ourselves. As most people said, Good for everyone!! and then followed by the next question: Who's watching the kids?
We got to enjoy ourselves in snowy winter park, CO. I would have to say my favorite time was enjoying Timberline lift with David and the awesome views from the slopes using my sister's awesome skis!! Another thing was realizing how I eat breakfast here in Lincoln so rushed (in my car on the way to work). We had some amazing breakfast feasts. Mountain Rose is definitely a stop I recommend. Another is Carver's. David and I got to ski two days! One bummer thing that happened was David broke out in hives on the way out. I am thinking that it is the Asthma/decrease O2 count and the smoked Almonds. We managed to get pass all that and still enjoy the trip. I hope we can figure this out.
The children survived. And Riley only had 2 frozen bags of milk left in the freezer, so it was perfect timing. It was great to see the kids. The really are a joy! I love their excitement and enthusiasm for life!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Riley's Language

Riley was full of screams today. When I got home, he had lots to say. I remember Breanna doing that lots, especially one time in a grocery store. I was laughing/so happy it was making me cry. It is really good to hear little Riley's voice, trying to compete with his sister and older bothers.

Breanna's 2nd tooth

Breanna lost her 2nd primary tooth #O tonight eating a tater tot. I was very glad it happened finally. She was starting have the permanent tooth erupt behind(lingually) it. Lots of blood. She was very proud to show the tissue full of it. 2 down, 18 more to go.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Work evaluations

Tomorrow we have work evaluations. It is a good but dreaded time. Not sure what to expect from the doctors. We are having very cold weather here, so just trying to stay warm. Last night I had an spa night with Arbonne at Andi's house. Good turn out, but not much in sales. But I was not expecting much, so I was not disappointed. I love the products that's all that matters. Someday everyone will want them. Aspen is driving her Mercedes, it's a beautiful car--SUV. She's worked hard, she deserves it. Wishing her the best!!
I'm still breastfeeding Riley, hopefully that will continue. I really hope he is not milk intolerant. I really enjoy breastfeeding. It is a very special thing that I won't probably get to do again. I feel very blessed to have the children I do as well as my awesome husband. thanks for the love!!


Today at school Breanna was the line leader. She got to feed Cinnamon today as well. She getting real good at spelling. yesterday we got her 2 nd quarter report card. Very good grades. She is a great student. Teacher commented that she is a good role model and class leader. :-)
First grade is going fast. She loves school. Yesterday they had to cancel girl scouts due to so many of the girls were sick. Ground hog's was today. No shadow. 6 weeks more of winter, we'll see if that holds true!!


Riley had his 4 month well baby check on Wednesday. He won't be 4 months for about 2-3 weeks. We have been noticing that he wasn't as content on Tuesday off and on so we decided to have his ears checked for infection--no infection--Yeah!! But he may have a milk intolerance so we will do a fecal test. The doctor also referred us to a Helmet Clinic for plagiocephaly (flat head). Not sure what to think of it, very mixed emotions. From what I have researched thus far mostly cometic reasons depending on severity of course. So I need to check with insurance etc. to decide what we will do. So of course I am very paranoid to let him lay on his back much and when sleeping trying to keep his head turned.
Riley is 25 1/2 inches, 15 pounds 11 ounces. Since he was early for his well check I am remembering an extra two weeks can add a lot. He is in 75% for those measurements.
Riley loves to munch on his hands and put them in his mouth. He is very good at taking his pacifer out of his mouth and replacing with his hands we may have a thumb/finger sucker on our hands. I do remember the other two doing the same thing.

ashtonisms part II

Some of Ashton's new sayings:
I have an idea!!!
watching Nacho Libre
what did you say? (repeatedly, I think he really hears what you are saying..)
Ashton has changed a lot in the last month. He is really working on his temper. He loves doing swimmin lessons in the bath tub, David and I debated about signing him at the Y. I think he is ready. He really likes laying on his back with his ears under the water and saying LOOK mommy! Stay tuned about Ashton.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Purchases!

David has recently purchased a dirt bike/dual purpose bike!! It is being shipped from Cheyenne. We also are proud owners from free recycle of a weight set/bench!!
I could go on with the purchases, but I won't! This summer should be interesting!

Mile Stones

Riley is rolling over from stomach to back very well. When doing tummy time he holds his head up well. He is really got a great smile. He loves to be talked to. You might get a little scream from him. I think he is really experimenting with his vocal cords. He is really watching his older sister and brother. He is wearing 6-9 month clothing. Growing way to fast!

Ashton is really doing much better with communicating. We have had a few episodes with biting, but not lately. He does well is you remind him. He is starting to not use a nap lately as well, very hard times around 5:30ish.

Breanna is going up too fast. She is very busy with school and started a new quarter, Tuesday. We are still working on PR sheets (personal reading). We have slowed down a bit. We still read a book before bed time. Breanna finished selling Girl Scout cookies -grand total 107 cookies. Thanks for all the buyers!!


On Sunday, snow arrived in Lincoln. Probably a good 6-9 inches. We played out in the snow for about 2 and half hours. I have so many good winter memories of playing in the snow. We built a fort with the neighbors using 5 gallon buckets. The fort had a couch in it as well. Breanna and Ashton had lots of fun. We ended the snow session with sledding down Easton's hill. Ashton is fun to go down with because he screams a little girl's scream but it is soft. I was very glad to be out there with the kiddos while Daddy watched Riley!:-)

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Breanna is at a Birthday party for one of her school friends which at the rollerskating rink. I hope she is having fun!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mini me

ashton has always reminded me of how I would think David would somewhat be like as a little boy (big boy as ashton would say). But tonight was very cute. David has been doing some Yoga moves at home as well as classes at the Y whenever he can make it. But Ashton has a cute Yoga pose he does with his hands! I hope to get a picture to post.

Guinea Pig

Breanna has a classroom pet: Guinea Pig, Cinnamon. She was very excited about him. She said he is smooth and peed on the carpet in their room. Mrs. Kramer's (her 1st grade teacher) sister is the one who gave and brought the classroom pet. They may be getting a turtle too. Time will tell. Breanna of course wants to volunteer to have Cinnamon over the week long break we have in March.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Day off

Breanna had today off! It was nice to have her around today. She is a very precious gem, and deserves so much. She did a lot of things by herself today because Riley and Ashton require so much attention. David took the kiddos to the children's museum today while I was at work this afternoon. Brave soul!! Next visit will either be with another adult with him or just taking Breanna and Ashton.
The kids were in bed when I got home tonight at 8:38pm so I can't wait to hear about their day. I hope God blesses all these wonderful people tomorrow while I am at work. Thanks for giving me such awesome and beautiful people in my life, LORD. Bless and keep them safe tomorrow.


Attended my first class of yoga on Sunday afternoon. Not bad. Relaxing.Would like to make it a regular sunday afternoon event. Nice touch. so we will see what happens.

Right: janelle, breanna and ashton making sugar cookies!!
They were yummy in my tummy...

above: Kris Riley, breanna, deb, janelle, Ashton and Josh:-)
fire place not pictured but to the right. Thanks for everyone's help!!


Sorry for the delay in posting. I have wanted to write for some time!!
Where to begin. Well, we returned from Winter Park. My family and spouses, along with Josh joining us for the weekend get away. Got some skiing in. Breanna is a great ski bunny. Ashton loves the snow and Riley will have no choice. Riley did great on the ride. We did have a good time, it was a challenge though. Ashton and Breanna along got to go sleding down a hill. Ashton screamed like a girl. It was cute.
Poor David though...he scared me.
David broke out in hives on Saturday night during a snow strom(scared me to death), 20 miles from a hospital. Needless to say we made it back to Lincoln, and he called a allergy/asthma specialist. So, he is taking allegra, following doctor's orders. He does not have a food allergy from what was tested. Hard to say. It's a mystery.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


The jané household is going back to the regular rountine. It seemed like today was hard on Ashton and it probably did not help that he did not have a nap. Ashton was very clingy when I got home as well as Riley. So enjoyed having my lap fill with the kiddos. Breanna plays so nicely with him that he does not want to nap. I think Breanna is excited to return to school tomorrow. Tonight she put on a fantastic show-one of her many specialities.
I think most people were glad to have me return to work. In some ways I enjoyed work, mostly for the social part of it. It is hard for me to stay on time which is not a new thing, but I didn't know how to react, so luckily everyone just went with the flow.
David seemed to survive and got some laughs out of Riley! Lucky.
David and I were very thankful to have Josh here during some of the time that David was with the kids, the transition seem to go a little more smoother. Our office wants us to set individual goals and work goals as well, so I will see what I can come with.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Well... the start of new year!! What are the you going to get there??
To me, I am focusing on the kids, so I am not going there about myself today. We received snow!! So yesterday we (David, Josh, I(i got to go thanks to Bill and Rox--Thanks), Ashton, and Breanna) played in the snow at Pioneers Park. It was great, good memories from my past!! Ashton was a great sport. He loved riding with an adult and did a cute little baby/girl scream as he would go down on the innertube--it was adorable. Breanna had a single tube and she loved going by herself, she is so big. Acting so much older,in many ways!! She rocks. Of course going down the big hill warrants that you have to climb up the hill in all your gear and carry Ashton. Ashton looks so cute in his snow gear. What is it about little ones all dressed up?? I know Breanna was like that as well. She had an adorable striped hat she would wear out in the cold!!
But the snow was perfect. In fact Breanna played with some neighbor girls in the snow too!! Twice today. I think she really enjoyed herself, she was exhausted.
Tonight we played the Napoleon Dyamite game. quite difficult, but fun to see everyone's drawings!! Breanna definately has a talent.
Today, David waxed the skis from goodwill and his board. Quite a project, I feel like I didn't see him much today. I guess it will prepare me for tomorrow. Boy, I am going to need a lot of prayers for tomorrow!! I love you, kids (including David). You make my heart smile!
Well, off to get ready for the big day. Here's to 2007, its going to like Heaven! I feel very blessed already to have such an awesome family-thank you LORD.