Riley is of course growing very much. Riley is 11 weeks today. It has gone very fast!! He is starting to show his colors! David found a ticklish spot. And he has the most gorgeous toothless grin--it is so big!!
Breanna and Ashton were trying on stocking hats, gloves and hats tonight, it was cute. I had the hat and glove box down going through it to find various outside weather for a ski trip coming up!
So tough decisions... Breanna was invited to a birthday party on Sunday, but we will not be able to make it. She really wants to go. It just tears my heart. I wish she could do it all.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
I will be rambling a little since I have not written hang on!! Sorry if you don't understand.
Ashton has loved having his sister home (school break til 3rd). He has played and played with her of which she is very good at entertain him and vice versa. Today we played upside and did not turn the TV on which was my goal which they were unaware of. It's all good. They had so much to play and read so it was good, plus I needed to spend time with them before I head back to rountine. it is sad. I have enjoyed myself and the beans out of my children. I love being there for them. I especially love beng home with David. I enjoy my mate, so glad we are a team.
But getting back to the subject..Ashton has not been taking a nap since sister is on break. She is so much fun!! He can't stop. Around 4:00 he is a bear, but we all try to hang in there!!! Then half hour later it is all good. So... we are going to miss you Nana when you return to school. So schedule vs chaos (free time). What do you do??
I think being spontaneous is fun and good to do but with kiddos a little challenging. Kids are taught schedule---Breanna asks as one of the last things before we say good night "what are we doing tomorrow?" she's a planner, but also a social butterfly, does not want to miss out on the action!!
Ashton has loved having his sister home (school break til 3rd). He has played and played with her of which she is very good at entertain him and vice versa. Today we played upside and did not turn the TV on which was my goal which they were unaware of. It's all good. They had so much to play and read so it was good, plus I needed to spend time with them before I head back to rountine. it is sad. I have enjoyed myself and the beans out of my children. I love being there for them. I especially love beng home with David. I enjoy my mate, so glad we are a team.
But getting back to the subject..Ashton has not been taking a nap since sister is on break. She is so much fun!! He can't stop. Around 4:00 he is a bear, but we all try to hang in there!!! Then half hour later it is all good. So... we are going to miss you Nana when you return to school. So schedule vs chaos (free time). What do you do??
I think being spontaneous is fun and good to do but with kiddos a little challenging. Kids are taught schedule---Breanna asks as one of the last things before we say good night "what are we doing tomorrow?" she's a planner, but also a social butterfly, does not want to miss out on the action!!
Christmas was awesome!! I love hanging out with the kiddos. They are so lively and so easy going. But each is different in their own way, but I think similiar in the age groups!! Breanna got some very fun things!! Ashton just plays and plays. Riley is spoiled in a good way and doesn't even know it or maybe he does, but I won't stop.
I love you all the same!!
I love you all the same!!
Hard Head
Ashton has fallen twice in the last day. One happened on Christmas at my Grandma Kasl's house going down the steps and the next one happen when Ashton was standing on his chair to grab something. It is so scary when it happens. I feel very blessed. That kid must have a hard head. But he had got to stop scaring me like that.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Saturday night
We attended Church tonight, since Christmas eve is on Sunday. The Children got to sit with us in Big church and it as a pleasure. They had a children's story time, which Ashton and Breanna went forward to the front. One of the paster's told a bible story equipped with pictures on the monitor being displayed on the front screen. One of the pictures had a man in a white robe appearing to be like a angel holding a sword. Ashton cued in on the sword and shouted out SWORD... and the paster made eye contact and then Ashton went on to tell a story. It was cute. David was up there in front sitting with Ashton and Breanna.
Before church we got to go to Red Lobster and eat a wonderful dinner, that someone prepared for us and serve us--my favorite part. Thanks Grandma Rox & Bill, for the gift certificates, it was a nice treat. The kids did a pretty good job with eating there.
Before church we got to go to Red Lobster and eat a wonderful dinner, that someone prepared for us and serve us--my favorite part. Thanks Grandma Rox & Bill, for the gift certificates, it was a nice treat. The kids did a pretty good job with eating there.
I have really missed a few days!! Merry Christmas!! Wow, what a year!! As it is coming to a closure soon, I tend to reflect about the year and its happenings. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful special people in my life. I am so thankful for my family + extended family. God is so good. I want to Thank Him for such a wonderful and as always exciting/healthy year for the most part.
The kids had many many presents, some really great gifts!! Thanks to all who contributed. Lighting up a child's one of those great awesome feelings. It was so neat to watch and listen. Some it was captured on film but most of sounds and expressions were captured in memory. So many smiles! We had a special treat by having Josh with us opening gifts!:-) and Grandma Rox and Bill were there in spirit-we missed you guys, we are hoping for a fast recovery for Bill (please keep him in your prayers).
Ashton, this year received a lot of Thomas items, one is a take along which he would not stop playing with. He loves it and is sleeping with it now along with the trains themselves!:-) Breanna got many cool items, i'll name some of the bigger items--Barbie that she can style hair, makeup and nails, a baking oven, that cooks mini items-we will try soon, not enough time today, moon shoes, gigaball-which we will inflat tomorrow, and a favorite is the velvet color sheets!!
Riley was not sure what to think, he slept in his swing while we were opening gifts which was all in the same room, so maybe he dreamt about it. He did get an exsaucer, toys for car rides (thanks to all who contribute--we are not giving up on car trips!!), clothes, aquarium thingy(from mom and dad which we may return?)
I am going to talk about one of my favorite gifts. Of course, from David, it is a North Face coat-I call it a puffer coat. I am not trying to be materialistic, but it is beautiful. I feel very loved when wearing it. Thanks david! Merry Christmas to all!! more later??...
The kids had many many presents, some really great gifts!! Thanks to all who contributed. Lighting up a child's one of those great awesome feelings. It was so neat to watch and listen. Some it was captured on film but most of sounds and expressions were captured in memory. So many smiles! We had a special treat by having Josh with us opening gifts!:-) and Grandma Rox and Bill were there in spirit-we missed you guys, we are hoping for a fast recovery for Bill (please keep him in your prayers).
Ashton, this year received a lot of Thomas items, one is a take along which he would not stop playing with. He loves it and is sleeping with it now along with the trains themselves!:-) Breanna got many cool items, i'll name some of the bigger items--Barbie that she can style hair, makeup and nails, a baking oven, that cooks mini items-we will try soon, not enough time today, moon shoes, gigaball-which we will inflat tomorrow, and a favorite is the velvet color sheets!!
Riley was not sure what to think, he slept in his swing while we were opening gifts which was all in the same room, so maybe he dreamt about it. He did get an exsaucer, toys for car rides (thanks to all who contribute--we are not giving up on car trips!!), clothes, aquarium thingy(from mom and dad which we may return?)
I am going to talk about one of my favorite gifts. Of course, from David, it is a North Face coat-I call it a puffer coat. I am not trying to be materialistic, but it is beautiful. I feel very loved when wearing it. Thanks david! Merry Christmas to all!! more later??...
Friday, December 22, 2006
Time off
Breanna has off until next year. She will return to school on the 3rd of January. And I have off until the 2nd. So.. what will we do with the time off. Hopefully be able to enjoy one another, even if we don't travel anywhere. I am thankful that I don't have to work anydays as well. So stay tuned as to what we end up doing!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Pajama day in Mrs.Kramer's class
Breanna has been excited for the last 4 days for this rare occasion. She knew which pj's she was going to wear since she knew about. She told everyone she possibly could. I love her excitement!! She was a great participant. We did go to the library after school and she said is it okay to wear my pj's or should I go home and change. I told her it was okay today, but if she wanted we could go home and change. Of course she said no. Mrs. Kramer did take a picture of the "friends" that participated.
I gave called for like the 6th time wondering if I would fill in for some hours for another hygienist. I felt like I had to say yes at this one, granted I could not fill in today because David had a business appt.--thanks hon!! (which I know I don't take self-employment serious enough--thanks for your sacrifrice, david) Don't get me wrong I love my job just not ready to return--I am still on maternity leave, I feel like I have not been respected or taken seriously from my place of employment that I want time with my new baby as well as my wonderful family, this is why I asked for the time I did. Sorry for the bitterness and bad attitude.
Potty Training Day 4
Well, let's just say mom wants it more than Ashton does, that is wearing big boy pants with no accidents. I'm not giving up, but I'm close. Today Ashton had two bowel movements which did not make it in the "toilet". I feel we have master going potty of course with guidance, but he's doing his best. So we wil keep trucking with this event and someday have it completely mastered!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I really did not want to type about this...but I cannot stop thinking about it. Returning to work in two weeks :-(. I am going to miss my buddies both small and big!! I am had so much fun and have enjoyed being around all these special people with no stress of outside workforce (no offense I love my job, but I am glad I was able to enjoy these special moments).
Creative foods by Ashton
Ashton is into making things out of his bread or turkey/bologna circles. He calls it an "eye" So the center of the item is chewed out in the shape of a circle. I make an eye!! Right mommy? humm humm.(like on sting blade?) Right David hum mm Hummm.
Grandma Rox brought a cookbook for us that makes eating some foods for children more fun by creating faces or certain items made out of the food (tricking kids into eating good food, but making it fun for them--nothing wrong with that). So, I wonder if he was doing his own version???
Grandma Rox brought a cookbook for us that makes eating some foods for children more fun by creating faces or certain items made out of the food (tricking kids into eating good food, but making it fun for them--nothing wrong with that). So, I wonder if he was doing his own version???
Potty Training Day 2
Ashton is doing very well!! I think. He goes potty on the"toilet". So I feel he is "potty" trained, but the whole bowel movment is still a work in progress. He wanted to wear the Cars pull up this morning which I let him win that battle, because he wanted to wear to bed but they do not hold very much (if you get my drift). But as you have it he woke up on the very dry side with his diaper!! I am so proud!!:-) But getting back... since he had the pull up on this morning he did his normal bowel movement at his normal time! So...we will keep trying, but I feel he gets an A+ on his tremondous progress. He even took a nap in "Big boy" pants with no accidents!! Go Ashton! Funny thing is if he would ask him his name sometimes he would reply " No, I Big Boy! Not Ashton!"
Christmas Baking with David and SPECIAL GUEST
Drum Roll please.....Tonight we had the pleasure of being in company with Grandma Rox and Bill. Grandma Rox doing the tradition of baking Old fashioned Ginger cookies and Peppernuts or as David would say peppercorn nuts. It was nice to mostly a bystander in the event. To have people baking in your home was a great feeling and discussing who was going to hopefully going to be able to enjoy the sampling--hint hint (josh and grandpa woods!!) Baking for me is such a wonderful thing when it tastes good and turns out right is such a healing experience. And I could feel that bonding I loved it!!
Grandma Rox is very selfless especially since she would not be able to enjoy the fruits of her labor due to her diet restrictions she follows very well in spite of me tempting or not having something for her here to be able to eat and enjoy!! Sorry, Rox I promise I don't do it on purpose!
Thanks Rox!! You are precious gem--
Grandma Rox is very selfless especially since she would not be able to enjoy the fruits of her labor due to her diet restrictions she follows very well in spite of me tempting or not having something for her here to be able to eat and enjoy!! Sorry, Rox I promise I don't do it on purpose!
Thanks Rox!! You are precious gem--
Breanna's School excitement!
Breanna has this week of school left. So...because of their great behavior Mrs. Kramer's class gets to wear PJ's on Thursday to school. And bring a friend to read to. Breanna is so excited, showing everyone the slip of paper of the great news!!
Potty Training Day 1
We are now wearing "big boy pants". We are trying to get away from pullups and diapers. Ashton did very well with going potty on the toilet today. But he really holds back on releasing his bowel movements. Ashton did well until that moment of releasing. He was at the Y when it happened which I figured if it were to happen that is when it would. We discussed what to try to do next time. We will see how tomorrow goes.
Christmas Baking Part II
Today Kris came over and helped make gingerbread houses with Breanna and Ashton. They did such an awesome job. I think Breanna counted 95 pieces of candy and misc. sugar items decorating her house as well as the yard. She did a house which she would not let me or Kris help decorate, so we helped Ashton while the sweet tooth boy sampled frosting and candy-- I wonder where he got that from!!?!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Running on low
Last night Ashton was sitting in his chair at the dinner table, I believe we were getting ready to cook dinner/supper. He had not had his nap yet of course it was about 5pm so a late nap=late going to it is a good and bad thing!?! So anyways he was loosing it, I mean he was crashing--his eyes would close and then his head would bob which made his eyes open. I watched him do this several times. I was laughing a little because it was so cute (which I didn't get pictures so I just watched) but it was also sad. I offered
Riley's huddle
Yesterday morning, which was Saturday morning. Riley was up earlier than usual, so I was there to greeet Breanna and Ashton as they woke up. Riley was cooing and smiling lots. So, Breanna and Ashton gathered around me as I held Riley out in my lap. He was amazing to watch talk to his brother Ashton and sister Breanna. His siblings were listening to his every breathe and noise he made. Ashton was thrilled. He was laughing and excited, maybe thought Baby Riley will someday be able to rough house with me and play "Thomas/toby with me!!! And Breanna just loved and enjoyed every minute(i love you, girl).
I will cheerish this moment for ever. Having all my kids huddled around me listening to the youngest little Jané was a very awesome feeling and I was very glad to be apart of!!
I love you all very much!
I will cheerish this moment for ever. Having all my kids huddled around me listening to the youngest little Jané was a very awesome feeling and I was very glad to be apart of!!
I love you all very much!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Riley's TWO month Checkup!
Riley had a great check up today. He is 90% percentile for height and weight. His height is 24 and half inches, weight is 13# 2.5 oz. Awesome.
To give you an idea where he stands: Breanna was 24 and half inches for height as well, but 12# 3 oz. (birth weight was 8# 12oz.) Ashton was the tallest, 25 and half inches and 12# 6 oz.(starting weight was 8#13oz).
I think it is so fun to compare them, someday I will get 2 month old pics of all we can see the similarities.
Riley got 5 different immunizations today, so he got 4 pokes, poor guy. He did great on the first 2m he was cooing at me and the last two were tear jerkers. So, he got scooby doo bandaids and some milk along with some motrin. I hope he sleeps well tonight.
Riley, you are off to a great start, we have to return for a 4 month check up so Feb. we will update you on the findings!! Praying for good health.;-)
To give you an idea where he stands: Breanna was 24 and half inches for height as well, but 12# 3 oz. (birth weight was 8# 12oz.) Ashton was the tallest, 25 and half inches and 12# 6 oz.(starting weight was 8#13oz).
I think it is so fun to compare them, someday I will get 2 month old pics of all we can see the similarities.
Riley got 5 different immunizations today, so he got 4 pokes, poor guy. He did great on the first 2m he was cooing at me and the last two were tear jerkers. So, he got scooby doo bandaids and some milk along with some motrin. I hope he sleeps well tonight.
Riley, you are off to a great start, we have to return for a 4 month check up so Feb. we will update you on the findings!! Praying for good health.;-)
Amazing Breanna
Breanna is on this kick of after showering of wrapping her towel like a dress, it is adorable. She likes to wear it awhile until it is time for bed then she will change into her PJ shirt.
Tonight she had Girl Scouts and Santa Claus visited, she asked for a pogo stick. She gave us a cookbook with her photo on the outside of it and inside of the cookbook is a picture of the Girl Scout Troop inside of it. Great Idea.
She is doing very well in school. She works so hard. I am very proud of her!!
I love that girl.
Breanna as most of you know loves to perform, so we are discussing what her 2nd semester activities will be. Many choices, we missed the church's signup for drama and singing, so we may go to plan B a class at the Y. I want to encourage her creativity juices, sometimes I feel I don't give her enough time with it!!
Tonight she had Girl Scouts and Santa Claus visited, she asked for a pogo stick. She gave us a cookbook with her photo on the outside of it and inside of the cookbook is a picture of the Girl Scout Troop inside of it. Great Idea.
She is doing very well in school. She works so hard. I am very proud of her!!
I love that girl.
Breanna as most of you know loves to perform, so we are discussing what her 2nd semester activities will be. Many choices, we missed the church's signup for drama and singing, so we may go to plan B a class at the Y. I want to encourage her creativity juices, sometimes I feel I don't give her enough time with it!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ashton's Clan
Ashton is going though a phase right now, which is not an extremely new one and I think Breanna may still do this a little, but not as much as she used to. Ashton usually 3-4 different things he carries around with him that follow him to the table while he's eating breakfast and then "these items" have to follow him to the bathroom, when he's getting dressed, etc. They go everywhere with him. It's like he is afraid they will get taken away, thrown away, I don't know. But I like to call it his clatter clan. Like today, he had the Incredibles DVD, blankie, heliocopter, a car. But I find it somewhat amusing. I wonder if all children do it.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Breanna is going Christmas Caroling with her girl scout troop tonight at Eastmont towers (assisted living center). I wanted to go, but I was home with Riley and Ashton. So David got to go. I am so thankful to have a husband like David. He is a good sport. Breanna left with wearing her brownie vest (which is brown).
Christmas program
Breanna and Ashton had the church Christmas program last night. Breanna was excited to perform and Ashton had no clue what he was going to do.
Ashton's group was the first to perform. It was so cute. Getting them on the stage was quite a job! They had risers, so a lot of the kids were sitting and the adults were helping them stand up,etc. Half way through Ashton decided to sit (he was in the back row) and pulled the cars out of his pockets and play with them. So... participation was there, but performing was not! I was so proud of him,singing "Jesus love me"
Breanna's group had two songs. I love seeing her enthusiasm, she is awesome!! She sings with her heart. David tried to get her on video tape, it was hard to see all the kids since there was so many.
Afterwards they had cookies and drinks. Many people, lots of cookies. I think that was Ashton's favorite part! :-)
Ashton's group was the first to perform. It was so cute. Getting them on the stage was quite a job! They had risers, so a lot of the kids were sitting and the adults were helping them stand up,etc. Half way through Ashton decided to sit (he was in the back row) and pulled the cars out of his pockets and play with them. So... participation was there, but performing was not! I was so proud of him,singing "Jesus love me"
Breanna's group had two songs. I love seeing her enthusiasm, she is awesome!! She sings with her heart. David tried to get her on video tape, it was hard to see all the kids since there was so many.
Afterwards they had cookies and drinks. Many people, lots of cookies. I think that was Ashton's favorite part! :-)
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Breanna and Ashton will be participating in their church's Christmas program tomorrow night. I can't wait. I remember as a child performing in these-- good memories. Rehearsal was today and went pretty smoothly. The looked and sounded great--not as crazy as i thought it would be, the boys were great listeners since they could only sit and watch. I can't wait to see how Breanna and Ashton do, we will try to video tape it or at least get pictures!:-)
We also had a great time at the Children's museum afterwards. Ashton played with the trains the majority of the time--so I think he is going to love his Christmas presents and Breanna performed and painted her face as a puppy. She is a great artist and very creative. I hope to get her involved in dancing class or drawing class. We will see!!
We also had a great time at the Children's museum afterwards. Ashton played with the trains the majority of the time--so I think he is going to love his Christmas presents and Breanna performed and painted her face as a puppy. She is a great artist and very creative. I hope to get her involved in dancing class or drawing class. We will see!!
Friday, December 8, 2006
Today Ashton visited Grandma Barnhard at work today. We took her some pictures to look at from the photo shoot about a week ago. He sat in Grandma's lap and I went to go feed Riley. As he was sitting there he feel asleep in Grandma's lap. Grandma's just have that special touch!
They are so precious.
They are so precious.
getting up
It's like clovkwork here. Riley awakes at usually 6:30ish. Then Breanna gets up around 7 and Ashton awakes around when Breanna is finishing up her Breakfast. But thing is the mornings are dark here until about 7:45. So for me I think what are you doing up it is still dark? David and I have not got the early rising bug, our kids have. David and I would rather stay up late. Over time I am sure that will change with our children. In fact maybe we will both swap when we favor waking and going to sleep.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Growing Boys!!
Ashton ate very well today, which is rare happening. So..either he is growing or he finally is hungry!;-) Ashton did real well going to the bathroom on the toilet he even had a bowel movement--awesome!! I am so proud of him!! So I am crossing my fingers, it is difficult to remember to take him. I may have to start setting a timer!
Riley slept a lot today as well as through dinnertime,so we will see how tonight goes!! Riley does have a stuffed-up nose, so maybe his cold is draining him? When Riley was awake he was busy. Cooing, smiling and waving his arms trying to touch anything in his reach. Definately has passed some milestones!! He is a very long baby, wearing 6 months clothing especially sleepers with feets. Ashton has some competition!!! Riley is going to want to keep with the older two, no doubt.
Riley slept a lot today as well as through dinnertime,so we will see how tonight goes!! Riley does have a stuffed-up nose, so maybe his cold is draining him? When Riley was awake he was busy. Cooing, smiling and waving his arms trying to touch anything in his reach. Definately has passed some milestones!! He is a very long baby, wearing 6 months clothing especially sleepers with feets. Ashton has some competition!!! Riley is going to want to keep with the older two, no doubt.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
snowboarding in Iowa?

Yep, you read correctly. David tried Crescent Mountain in Iowa today. He was one of the four or five people on the "mountain". It sounded like only one part of the mountain was open. He took advantage of the free admission and got some free pointers from a snowboard instructor. The groomers were broken so it was icy.
He returned safely from his journey. But as he was going to get Breanna from school, the car made a funny noise. It ended up being the front passenger tire, the tire was entirely woren through. So it could have happened on the interstate. Praise God it didn't. So...for Christmas we got a set of new tires for the Impala-WHOO HOO!! Not such a free day after that! Glad you are okay, David. I can't wait to take the kids up to Crescent Mountain to go skiing. I know it won't be the same as Montana or Colorado though, but close enough for the kids.
Tonight Breanna and Ashton did sugar cookies out at Grandma Barnhard's house. Ashton did not take part in the rolling of the dough, but he did enjoying the frosting of the cookies or as he said "painting" cookies. But I think he "painted" two cookies while Breanna and Papa frosted the rest. He looked like Oscar the Grouch off of Seasme Street when he was all done painting. I think he ate more frosting obviously then he "painted" on the sugar cookies.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Words from Riley
Words/Cooing are very few from Riley. He loves talking to my mom. But tonight he was really talking to David. It was very precious.
This morning he woke up and as I was talking to him he was giving me many toothless grins. I was trying to catch it with the camera, but no such luck.
I am enjoying the beans out of the kids. I love being home with them. I hate to see this come to an end, but dad will do a great job.
This morning he woke up and as I was talking to him he was giving me many toothless grins. I was trying to catch it with the camera, but no such luck.
I am enjoying the beans out of the kids. I love being home with them. I hate to see this come to an end, but dad will do a great job.
Breanna in the past few days has really spent a lot of time with Legos. She has made array of items with what the little collection of Legos that we have. She has made a fox, a flower, a sheep, and a bird.
She has always been very creative. She even has an art table in her room. She makes very thoughtful cards. She usually has a butterfly somewhere on the card, a rainbow, or ladybug.
She is also very giving of her things to others. She usually sacrafrices the toy she's playing with if her brother wants it. I know I am getting off subject...I love Breanna. I am very blessed to have her. Everyday is one step closer to heaven, but one less day on this earth with that wonderful, beautiful girl. I thank God for creating her and putting her in my life!!
She has always been very creative. She even has an art table in her room. She makes very thoughtful cards. She usually has a butterfly somewhere on the card, a rainbow, or ladybug.
She is also very giving of her things to others. She usually sacrafrices the toy she's playing with if her brother wants it. I know I am getting off subject...I love Breanna. I am very blessed to have her. Everyday is one step closer to heaven, but one less day on this earth with that wonderful, beautiful girl. I thank God for creating her and putting her in my life!!
Things don't change...
Tonight Breanna and Ashton played in an empty box which provided them many minutes of fun and laughing. The box was rather small. They managed to fit the two of them in there. In and out of the box. Opening and closing the top flaps.
I remember as I child playing in empty boxes or laundry baskets. If parents only knew imagination is a priceless gift!! Endless hours of playing and creating. So I look at an empty box in a different way know.
What would do without kids/children? Boy, this would be a boring place to play...
picture to come
I remember as I child playing in empty boxes or laundry baskets. If parents only knew imagination is a priceless gift!! Endless hours of playing and creating. So I look at an empty box in a different way know.
What would do without kids/children? Boy, this would be a boring place to play...
picture to come
Monday, December 4, 2006
I debated whether to add this moment. Yesterday we went to church like we normally do on Sunday mornings. Did the usual rountine, get our seated, etc. As I am holding Riley I look up at the display box which showed the numbers 227. I looked at David, gave him the card to say he was the owner of 227, Ashton. Ashton bit a girl at sunday school, left bite marks, the little girl had to get a bandaid. Ashton was in trouble (as he puts it). He said he was sorry. David spoke with Ashton, had a few words and bottom tap. David dismissed him back to sunday school. Then Ashton did it again to a boy. This was it, no more chances.
Ashton, had a rough day. He loves movies and mostly loves carrying the case of a movie around the house everywhere he goes. So punishment was no movies and he could not carry any sort of case of a movie around the house. He was devastated. (obviously, spanking did not speak loud enough). He kept repeating all day. What happened and he called the girl Sarah, he bit her, she had to get bandaid, etc. I hope this was a learning lesson we will not have to revisit. Today went well at the Y, not time outs or lashing out of angry. Good Job, Ashton.
The worst part of it, was we were unable to say something to the parents, I hope they forgive us and our son.
Ashton, had a rough day. He loves movies and mostly loves carrying the case of a movie around the house everywhere he goes. So punishment was no movies and he could not carry any sort of case of a movie around the house. He was devastated. (obviously, spanking did not speak loud enough). He kept repeating all day. What happened and he called the girl Sarah, he bit her, she had to get bandaid, etc. I hope this was a learning lesson we will not have to revisit. Today went well at the Y, not time outs or lashing out of angry. Good Job, Ashton.
The worst part of it, was we were unable to say something to the parents, I hope they forgive us and our son.
Christmas Baking
My family has the tradition every Christmas of baking Christmas cookies. And this is no easy task. My mom does all the hard work. She does the shopping for the items needed for all 20-25 cookies!! This year we did par down, but it is not unusual to have 15-20 different cookie/candy recipes! IT is AWESOME and oh so yummy. So this past Saturday we started the cooking, but we did not have everyone in attendence. So it was a little more challenging plus adding two special helpers. Mom, Deb and I (which I was like two hours late, no excuse.) started on the baking, which was fun and had many laughs mostly on mom's account. Which usually is who we make fun of. Deb, really worked hard and won on making the most receipes. Good Job, Deb. We missed having Kris, although I think the kitchen was more messy without her? Janelle, was there mostly to taste test the cookies. Thanks Janelle! ;-)
Well, this one of my favorite memories growing up and I am glad the baking still continues so I can support my chocolate habit!!
Merry Christmas!
Well, this one of my favorite memories growing up and I am glad the baking still continues so I can support my chocolate habit!!
Merry Christmas!
Star City Parade

Saturday was Lincoln's Star city parade. David, Breanna and Ashton attend the function. Riley and I stayed home and stayed in the warm house. The three of them dressed up like marshmellows with their snow suits and boots, even though there was not a single snow flake, it was very cold, 32 degrees with some wind. It reminded me of the little boy on the Christmas Story who is so bundled up he can't even walk and falls over. Sounded like there was not a lot of attenders, so they got good sits, by the cotton candy machine, which was handing it out for free!! They scored!! Good Sports you guys! love ya :-)
Friday, December 1, 2006
Seeing Santa
I went to the mall last week with Riley and Ashton. We saw Santa sitting in his chair. Ashton knew who it was, so I asked if he wanted to say hi. He was not real excited. But he walked through a tunnel which he thought was cool and walked up to Santa stood there and walked out. He did not know what to do.
The second time we pasted by Santa, He walked up to him and I said give him a high five, which he did and walked out. He told me he wanted Thomas.
Speaking of Thomas... Every train, no matter what it looks like is a Thomas Choo choo train.
The second time we pasted by Santa, He walked up to him and I said give him a high five, which he did and walked out. He told me he wanted Thomas.
Speaking of Thomas... Every train, no matter what it looks like is a Thomas Choo choo train.
"Star of the Week"
At School Breanna was picked this coming week Dec. 4-8, 2006. She bought home a backpack (extra one) to fill with five items (one per day to share). Breanna's five items: a music box that plays happy birthday, a horse, a smashed penny, aquapet, and a barbie. She also had to fill out a sheet on her Favorites--some of them My favorite food french fries, favorite restaurant..McDonald's, subject.. Math, sport..Soccer. It was fun to do. She also is bringing pictures to share with the class. She had to bring one of everyone including the extended family(her idea)!! Very cute.
Riley's birth

Riley was born on Saturday, Oct.14. A Husker away football game!! That is why most are wearing red in the pictures. The birth/delivery went quickly, they did have to give me an IV because I lost so much blood too fast. Riley was perfect. Holding him the first time i couldn't believe it--mant different emotions were running though my head.... what was his brother and sister going to think of him, does he have all 10 fingers and toes, is he happy to be out, etc.
Riley was a healthy 9 pounds 4 oz. and 20 and 3/4ths. They did have to test his glucose levels the first 24 hours since he was a big baby. I felt so sorry for him.

Riley is our youngest son who is almost 7 weeks!! Riley is a peaceful child. He sleeps and eats well. Riley loves his bath. Riley loves listening to water--it is very soothing for him. But one thing he does not like is car rides. If he is sleeping in the car seat when riding in the car he is fine. I thought it was the car snuggly thing we had on the carseat to keep cold air out of it,removing it helped, but did not fix the problem. I checked the seat belt straps. And when he is mad he wants nothing to do with the pacifer. Nothing seems to help.
So..if anyone has any ideas let me know.

Breanna is a first grader. She is amazing and so smart!!
She has a weekly spelling list which contains 6 words and the teacher usually has one or two bonus words. The spelling test is on Fridays. Breanna does awesome!!
She is doing Personal Reading (PR) where she reads 25 books and then turns in sheet to get a prize. So far she has turned in three sheets and working on her fourth. She reads well, she can sound words out as well. Breanna enjoys listening to David or I read Junie B Jones which is a chapter book.
Breanna has a piece of math homework every Thursday. Breanna is very independent. And loves to say "That is easy".
She does amazing art pieces as well. I love this girl. She makes me happy. She is a pure joy to be around.

Ashton says..................................... What it means
I wake up... ... ........................I'm up so you should be too.
chocolate white milk ----------------- white milk with chocolate syrup added a drink he loves
Triangle sandwich.................. grilled cheese sandwich cut into 2 triangles
RIGHT?? ..........................................are you listening to me?
Toby go under the BRIDGE.. ..... Thomas video he watches all the time
Toby break the wall
I all wet...................................... My diaper is all wet, can you fix it?
Thomas Train............................ Any train worthing of being played with gets this name
I Big Boy.......................................... I do not respond to Ashton, that is not my name
Spiderman Medicine...........................................Spiderman Vitamins
Oh, Come's not that bad
Delicious............................................................usually when he is eating something he really likes
red one, red cereal...............................................lucky charms cereal
when putting on his stocking cap, it has to be just so. and he has to do it. The label has to be centered, if not then he tries again til it is just right. Perfectionist? It is very cute. I am just glad he enjoys wearing his stocking cap. He looks very sharp in it!!
Lately Ashton has been saying when I am kissing him good night, see you tomorrow, see you in the morning. it is so big of him to say that!
Bedtime is quite a routine at the Jané household. It takes about two hours from bath time to kids in bed. When we have finally made it to the bed this is where the fun begins. Ashton who is 2 and half has to have atleast three or fours things go with him to bed. Which will include a blue blanket that has satin for the edging, which he loves to rub when trying to fall asleep. He will pick out a book to read which he will sleep with. Ususally he will have Thomas the train sleep with him, a car or plane whatever was his favorite toy that day or the last thing he played with. At times he will sleep with a video that is his favorite. It is funny!! I am trying to figure out, if he is afraid they will disappear if he doesn't sleep with them.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
I'm In!
I have finally committed to posting what goes on in my life with one view, my twisted/correct view of what is going on in my life. You will find out that I have poor grammer and change subjects quickly. So...hang on and enjoy!! I hope everyone will enjoy my comments and mostly bring smiles to faces. This is to help me remember what has happened in this life. Life goes too fast.
Which I fully aware you all know that already, but enjoy life. We are only here for a short time.
Have a great one!
Which I fully aware you all know that already, but enjoy life. We are only here for a short time.
Have a great one!
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