Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Breanna in the past few days has really spent a lot of time with Legos. She has made array of items with what the little collection of Legos that we have. She has made a fox, a flower, a sheep, and a bird.
She has always been very creative. She even has an art table in her room. She makes very thoughtful cards. She usually has a butterfly somewhere on the card, a rainbow, or ladybug.
She is also very giving of her things to others. She usually sacrafrices the toy she's playing with if her brother wants it. I know I am getting off subject...I love Breanna. I am very blessed to have her. Everyday is one step closer to heaven, but one less day on this earth with that wonderful, beautiful girl. I thank God for creating her and putting her in my life!!

1 comment:

momrox said...

Don't worry, you will all share delicious forever together, and nothing will be missed. (Ok, so speaks me.) :) Being the recipient of so many of Breanna's gifts, I can vouch that every word you say is true. To watch her in action, or to join her in such, it is readily apparent that every creation is an expression of her love. I keep every one. Yesterday I came across the recording of her singing 'Twinkle Twinkle" I think it was made while you were living in the apartment on A street. Do you still have that one? I wonder what she would say if she heard it.