Thursday, December 14, 2006

Riley's TWO month Checkup!

Riley had a great check up today. He is 90% percentile for height and weight. His height is 24 and half inches, weight is 13# 2.5 oz. Awesome.
To give you an idea where he stands: Breanna was 24 and half inches for height as well, but 12# 3 oz. (birth weight was 8# 12oz.) Ashton was the tallest, 25 and half inches and 12# 6 oz.(starting weight was 8#13oz).
I think it is so fun to compare them, someday I will get 2 month old pics of all we can see the similarities.
Riley got 5 different immunizations today, so he got 4 pokes, poor guy. He did great on the first 2m he was cooing at me and the last two were tear jerkers. So, he got scooby doo bandaids and some milk along with some motrin. I hope he sleeps well tonight.
Riley, you are off to a great start, we have to return for a 4 month check up so Feb. we will update you on the findings!! Praying for good health.;-)

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