Friday, December 29, 2006


I will be rambling a little since I have not written hang on!! Sorry if you don't understand.

Ashton has loved having his sister home (school break til 3rd). He has played and played with her of which she is very good at entertain him and vice versa. Today we played upside and did not turn the TV on which was my goal which they were unaware of. It's all good. They had so much to play and read so it was good, plus I needed to spend time with them before I head back to rountine. it is sad. I have enjoyed myself and the beans out of my children. I love being there for them. I especially love beng home with David. I enjoy my mate, so glad we are a team.
But getting back to the subject..Ashton has not been taking a nap since sister is on break. She is so much fun!! He can't stop. Around 4:00 he is a bear, but we all try to hang in there!!! Then half hour later it is all good. So... we are going to miss you Nana when you return to school. So schedule vs chaos (free time). What do you do??
I think being spontaneous is fun and good to do but with kiddos a little challenging. Kids are taught schedule---Breanna asks as one of the last things before we say good night "what are we doing tomorrow?" she's a planner, but also a social butterfly, does not want to miss out on the action!!

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